Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

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Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Mike » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:52 pm

''The Blues' is a uniquely American creation, and one of America's best. I would suggest that '"The Blues' has a whiskey counterpart, and that counterpart is 'Bourbon'. It is as American as whiskey can get.

Like 'The Blues', 'Bourbon' has an element of the seamy side, and is not without some overt challenges to the society at large. That alcoholic beverages, and, indeed, ''The Blues', in what were their native forms, were both kept in the shadows and regarded as dangerous, and unchristian by so many......... was never sufficient to suppress them. Today, both thrive as never before, although one might say that both have been, as is the American custom, somewhat 'gentrified'

Which brings me to Old Granddad. It began production in the mid 1800s, and even today is among the 10 ten best selling whiskies in America. From it, one gets the essential flavor of corn in American whiskey, its buttery sweetness, and rye with its sharp contrasting bite to prevent the corn from running rampant. At 100 proof one gets that extra zing that only higher proof can provide because the flavors suffer less from dilution.

Old Granddad bourbon is a baseline bourbon because it recognizes the corn for its value, the barrel for it soft vanilla qualities, and it recognizes that corn alone is too sweet and soft for the American character. So it calls in the rye. The Old Gentleman also recognizes that dilute whiskey (Basil Hayden) is not in the American character. Basil Hayden is the result of the gentrification of 'Bourbon', a perfect example of the power of American marketing........ make them pay more for less.

The American character is loaded with flaws, and contradictions, and Old Granddad is not America's best bourbon. But, I think it best represents the good and the bad in who we are. I go to it often. I like it, and I think it reminds me who I am.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Mike » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:20 pm

Allow me to say that in this post, I am assuming that I am not speaking to the full blown alcoholic, one who is dependent upon alcohol for all the reasons that can occur. Because this is a Bourbon Enthusiast site, I make the assumption that those who abuse alcohol would be mostly uninterested in any discussion of its taste merits.

Of course, I am also aware that there are those on this site who find my posts off point, and uninteresting. For this latter group I can only remind them that they are under no obligation whatsoever to read my posts. But if they do, and find them at best boring, they are completely free to say so.

We humans, like the bourbon we have the option of enjoying, are a varied lot. All I have are opinions, and a certain satisfaction from sipping bourbon (and feeling its effects, and need I say it, sometimes abusing it). Beyond that I have, and claim, no expertise whatsoever. I enjoy this site because I like and enjoy bourbon, and I like many of the people I know on this site, many of whom are quite different from me in opinions and tastes.

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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Squire » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:53 pm

Old Grand Dad is like my old Jeep. I've owned more expensive vehicles, I've owned more comfortable vehicles, yet they're gone and the Jeep remains. That's how I feel about Old Grand Dad Bourbon.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Mike » Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:05 pm

Squire, I have an 11 year old Ford F-150. Among all the vehicles I have owned, including some sports cars that I dearly loved, I would take none above my F-150. I have driven it back and forth to California, and were I to go again, I would drive the F-150 over my newer vehicle, AND, I would take a bottle of OGD BIB.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Squire » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:41 pm

OGD, don't leave home without it.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby 393foureyedfox » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:40 pm

OGD really shines in its 114 proof offering.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby ebo » Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:44 pm

OGD is my go to bourbon. I like and drink lots of different bourbon, but OGD never disappoints, and is available everywhere... at an extremely good price for what you get.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Bourbon Joe » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:04 am

I've drank OGD BiB, almost my whole life (or at least 50 years of it). Still like it a lot.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Birdo » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:52 am

I now like the OGD 114, it is great stuff. This one hits like a hammer, use moderation. Don't know about OGD BIB, but did not like it years ago, maybe I would now. Is it possible the best barrels go in the 114?
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Squire » Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:02 pm

Older barrels certainly but the 114 has such a concentrated flavor I really can't compare it straight up with the BIB.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby mhatzung » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:44 am

I tried the BIB Old Granddad a couple of years ago and found it a touch on the hot side. Just a couple of months ago, after hearing over and over how much it is enjoyed, I tried the 114. It was a eureka bourbon moment for me. The thick mouth feel, "the buttery sweetness" (I like that description, Mike) and the robust spice was everything I was looking for.

I normally drink my bourbon neat because most don't hold their flavors with ice, but I find the 114 is great neat and better on ice. It is one of a kind.
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Re: Why Old Granddad BIB is a baseline bourbon

Unread postby Squire » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:29 pm

114 is Old School and au courant at the same time.
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