Guckenheimer Distillery

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Guckenheimer Distillery

Unread postby Bud Skinner » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:42 pm

I am trying to reach L&J or ellenjaye with information on the Guckenheimer Distillery in Freeport, Pa

If this message reaches you please conact me with a phone number

My e mail address is XXXXXXXXXX.

(Removed email for privacy - John, I sent you a pm with his email...)
Bud Skinner
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Re: Guckenheimer Distillery

Unread postby bottlebee » Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:42 pm

I have also been looking into the Guckenheimer Distillery at Freeport.
I have been making up a Guckenheimer display for a local establishment.
Here is a small part of the history I have.

In July of 1889 when Guckenheimer was selling for $1 per quart or 6 quarts for $5,,,
the Guckenheimer & Co.'s No. 8 distillery was totally wiped out by fire. The bonded warehouse adjoining, which contained 12,000 barrels of whiskey, was saved after a hard struggle. The loss was estimated at $35,000 or $40,000.

In September of 1889 During a heavy storm today lightening struck the bonded house of Guckenheimer & Bros.’ distillery, knocking a hole in one corner of it. The fluid (they called electricty a fluid in those days) failed to reach the whisky. If it had the whole building would have been destroyed.

I’m trying to find out why the Guckenheimer distilleries at Freeport, were closed down for several months. They say it was for lack of orders, but why the lack of orderss? The Distillery at Schenley was said to be running lighter also.

ellenjaye has the the Guckenheimer Distillery goes out of business in 1918 due to Prohibition .
But the story continues....

In 1921 The Guckenheimer Bros, distillery, at Freeport, together with the contents of the warehouses, 9,000 barrels
of whiskey, being purchased by an Eastern syndicate.

In 1922, the release of over 100,000 gallons of whisky illegally since June, 1921 from the Guckenheimer distillery at Freeport, has resulted in the plant being seized by collector of Internal Revenue D. B. Heiner.

In 1923 Guckenheimer C. “Named True Bill as Dry Law Violator”
The A Guckenheimer & Bros. company, distillers at Freeport, Pa., four officials of the company and nine men were named in indictments returned this afternoon by a federal grand jury to Judge R. M. Gibson in United States district court. The defendants are alleged to be implicated in the removal of 90,000 gallons of whiskey on forged permits in quantities of 5 to 1,650 cases at a time, with a present day valuation of $3,000,000 from the Guckenheimer distillery at Freeport from January 1, 1921, to December 31, 1922.

In 1924, Guckenheimer & Bros. Co. distillery of Freeport, Pa., and six individuals found guilty of conspiracy in connection with the withdrawal of thousands of gallons of whisky from their warehouses on forged and counterfeit permits was sentenced here today in Federal Court…..<snip>..”

1924, A band of ten whiskey thieves completed a wholesale looting of the Guckenheimer Distillery warehouse at Freeport, Pa., working from 9at night until 3 in the morning to remove stock, escaping with bonded whiskey valued at $85,000, according to reports made to county authorities.

1924, Chief Gus J. Simons of the prohibition enforcement force here has received anonymous
telephone messages threatening, him with death if he did not “lay off” investigating the
hold up of the Guckenheimer and Bros. Co. warehouse, at Freeport, Pa., Simon said 18 barrels of the 50 barrels of whiskey has already been recovered with the arrest of two men.

1925, Louis Farkas, president of the Guckenheimer company, and Lewis Brown, director of the company, each sentenced two years in federal prison and fined $10,000 each.

1925-Armed Robbery - five truckloads of whiskey taken when Ten masked and armed men overpowered three
government guards and a watchman early this morning: and escaped with five, truckloads of whisky from the
distillery of the A. Guckenheimer Brothers at Freeport'.

1926 The 'Freeport Salvage Company, composed of Freeport people, begin work of tearing down
the six remaining warehouses at the old Guckenheimer distillery. It was estimated that “the amount of pine lumber that will
be salvaged will run about on million and a half feet board measure“.

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Re: Guckenheimer Distillery

Unread postby Chris » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:23 am

I moved this to Bourbon Lore so that maybe people who don't always look at the welcome forum will see it.
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