
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer! Talk about brews you've liked or disliked here.

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Unread postby Brewer » Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:00 pm

I'm a lucky Celis fan! My buddy Ken went out to Michigan for his high school reunion, and while there, bought 16 cases of Celis White and Rasberry for his east coast pals. Good man, that Ken. So, I now have a Celis connection again. Apparently, Celis is in very limited supply even in the Michigan area. His brother lives just across the border in Ohio, and it wasn't available there. For some reason that I haven't been able to figure out, it is available in the Houston area...lucky Randy too! BTW, Randy, any idea why this is? None the less, I was able to share some of these goodies while we had our Brooklyn Bourbon Wannabe Festival a couple of weeks ago. I know Mark and LeNell really enjoyed the Rasberry brew!
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Unread postby Mark » Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:01 pm

Damn Bob, I forgot about this thread. Man, that Celis is some good stuff. The raspberry only further shows what a unique brewmaster Mr. Celis is. So far I've had the pale bock, white and respberry and all were superb. I hope it eventually makes its way to NY as I'd like to try their whole lineup! Make sure to thank you friend again Bob for bringing all that beer here for us! :cheers:
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