Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

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Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby limark » Thu May 16, 2013 2:30 am

Hi Friends !!

I am fond of whiskey and i used to have it at every night.. I want to know that Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight???

Please let e know ??
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Re: Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby Squire » Thu May 23, 2013 10:41 am

Eating more calories (no matter what the source) than you burn will cause you to gain weight.
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Re: Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby GBrough » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:25 am

I am very sure that alcohol causes weight gain if consumed in excess, if you consume with discretion and eat right you will lose weight,
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Re: Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby Bob Barker » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:06 pm

Lol I thought this was a joke at first but yes alcohol is full of many "empty calories" that are not good for us. That being said I'm not quitting anytime soon :)
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Re: Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby Edward Ronald » Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:54 am

My opinion is that alcohol causes weight loss and its depends on consumption and human body behavior. Whiskey also plays role to lose weight.
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Re: Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby gundog » Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:01 pm

It will make you fat, cause heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke. As the bearer of bad news I feel it my duty to help :D Give it to me and I will make sure it gets disposed of properly :bounce:
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Re: Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby beerNbourbon » Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:54 pm

Bringing this up from the dead.

Alcohol is 7 calories per gram, regardless of whether it is in beer, wine, liquor, or mixed in mouthwash or gasoline.

Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram as does protein. Fat has 9 calories per gram.

Here is the science-y part: alcohol is 100% burned by the human body. What does this mean? It means, simply, that it cannot be converted by the body to fat. It is converted, primarily in the liver, to 'energy' that the body uses to move about, think (poorly), and drink more alcohol. Unlike fat, carbohydrates, and (to a much lesser degree) protein, it cannot be converted to / stored in the body (as fat).

So, can whiskey make you gain or lose weight? That is a trick question. Whiskey, by itself, will not make you gain weight. Even taking supplements of vitamins and minerals, your body will eventually die of any number of nasty things even if you drink all your necessary calories in the form of whiskey. Drinking beer and/or wine would increase your life expectancy but not nearly as much as eating a balanced diet would. Does anyone remember Leaving Las Vegas?

The real answer is that whiskey, when combined with the proper number of calories per day (i.e. not overeating) will not cause you to gain weight nor lose weight. If your body requires 1500 calories per day and you eat 1300 of those and have a couple of drinks, you'll likely not gain nor lose weight. If you eat 1500 and add another 200 calories from whiskey, you'll gradually gain weight. Why? Because your body is taking in 200 extra calories per day.
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Re: Will whiskey make me gain or lose weight?

Unread postby ebo » Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:06 pm

It isn't really the calories in whisk(e)y/alcohol that makes you gain weight. It's the fact that alcohol is broken down into two compounds.... fat and acetate. your body will store the fat wherever it does. It will use the acetate as it's primary fuel source before using carbs, protein or fat. That is why alcohol makes you gain weight.

Drinking alcohol in moderation is not a problem. A half gallon of butter pecan ice cream, on the other hand........... :lol:
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