Bourbon Reviews:

Bottling NameOld Fitzgerald, Very
Bottled ByStitzel Weller Shively,Ky
TypeKentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Alcohol content100 Proof
Availability US: No Longer Available Japan: Not Available Duty Free: Not Available Europe: Not Available
Views (since 20080612) 10424
Bottling Info

Review from Dump Bucket (BourbonEnthusiast Review ID 1736, Created:20091025202029)
Purchased at:eBay a while back
Purchased for:$150
Info on this bottle:1960-1968
Nose:caramel, cream, touches of alc, but not much - just a tickle.
Taste:Soft vanilla cream - like that of a wonderful French pastry, a little touch of oak,
Finish:Stronger vanilla, caramel, touches of citrus, soft oak and "smothness"
Overall:All that Tim has said below... I can see why the French requested this juice be imported... It moves them up one on my scale...

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Review from TNbourbon (BourbonEnthusiast Review ID 724, Created:20070307154824, Updated:20070307154946) View discussion on this review.
Purchased at:privately
Purchased for:very reasonable; well under $300.
Info on this bottle:Distilled in 1956, Bottled in 1964
Nose:Caramel, butterscotch and -- aahhh! -- dark cherry. A deep, rich and exciting nose. It's possible to thoroughly enjoy this bourbon without ever tasting it. But, don't stop now...
Taste:I don't want to describe it, I just want to enjoy it! Oh, okay -- what evidence of its proof that survives displays itself in a brief heat early, then subsides into a cherry-oak combo that defies you to care whether any other taste shows up. There are hints of maple and licorice (think BlackJack candies or gum). The sweetness rolls right to the edge of the table and stops -- it never plummets into astringency, though you're sure it's headed that way. Perfect!
Finish:Not overlong, which encourages a follow-up sip. Not overwarm, which allows refreshment. Not too subtle, which propels respect.
Overall:Even with parsimonious sipping, about half the bottle -- which retained a fill into the neck -- disappeared among several of us at a recent gathering. It was hard not to take a second, confirming pour. It's as special as advertised, and historic -- the original 'Pappy', by the man himself! If you don't have to, don't let mere money deprive you of an opportunity to drink this bottling if you have the opportunity. Whiskey's for drinkin'...

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