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i have something rare and need help

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:08 pm
by nick1303444
I need help I have a rare jim beam Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey the treasure chest one its never been opened and its in 100% perfect condition and its aged 10 or 11 years now may I have more info on it and I wanna know how much I can get for it whats the highest price im just curious please help me

Re: i have something rare and need help

Unread postPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:42 am
by Squire
The whisky inside is probably Beam Choice which was usually 5-8 years old, of course whisky doesn't improve with age once it's bottled. Not a rare whisky, (rather common actually) but the decanter (this is the square box, right?) does have some collector appeal. I would drink the whisky and sell the container.

Can't help you as to value, perhaps this link would be useful: